Transformation Stories
Strength is the Way

“In a relatively short amount of time, I have found myself feeling better, having more energy, stronger physically, have less anxiety, and am better able to cope with the challenges of life on the farm. It has become clear to me that nearly everyone would benefit from strength training in an environment like the ARMOURY.”
A lifestyle focused on continually gaining physical strength is the way to unlocking your fullest potential in fitness and in life.
Our Transformations

“The battle – a familiar struggle. Weight gain and clothes that don’t fit – pretty standard, right?”
I knew fitness needed to be a priority. I had always heard that maintaining muscle as you age is important, but I hadn’t put enough focus on it over the years. I considered myself fairly active, yet my body was still changing in ways I wasn’t happy with. It became clear that if I wanted results, I had to step it up and commit.
Online coaching has been a game-changer. Having a structured strength training program – one I wouldn’t have been able to create myself – has made all the difference. Seeing tangible progress has been incredibly motivating! Since I had never done strength training before, the guidance and encouragement I’ve received has been invaluable. Plus, the flexibility to stay on track even while traveling has helped me stayed consistent.
“The Armoury has changed my life for the better in so many ways and I truly feel free with my newfound strength.”
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With a history of three back surgeries, back pain was debilitating and constant. Things weren’t looking good for me physically and I knew I needed to do something, and fast.
I was drawn to The Armoury due to it’s focus on 100% strength training, done in a small group, with a coach always present. Safety was my deepest concern as my back consists of prosthetic discs and screws in places. I needed to make sure I was training properly if I wanted to prevent injury and ultimately succeed in gaining strength and improving my health.
I felt that Matt & Jo did a great job right from day one in coaching me. They modified wherever necessary and taught me how to lift properly as to not place excessive strain on my back.
You’re never completely free of pain with this kind of spine injury but within a few months of strength training consistently I found I had less pain, recovered quicker from any flare ups and no longer required daily medication to ease the pain anymore.
A little more time passing and I found the basic movements of daily life starting to feel effortless.
A little more time passing and I knew I found what would ultimately keep me from becoming disabled. This would keep me strong and, eventually, make me completely unstoppable.
Now nearly a year in, I feel better physically then I ever have in my entire life, which has led to also feeling better mentally and emotionally.
The Armoury has changed my life for the better in so many ways and I truly feel free with my newfound strength.

“I ultimately decided to face my fear, put myself in a new and unfamiliar environment, and do something for me. I decided to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”!
I farm east of Didsbury with my husband. Being a young farming family of 6, I felt like a lot of the stress and grind we were dealing with in our business had begun to pile into high levels of anxiety and burnout in my life. I wanted to make a change, and yet I felt like there would be judgement from my agriculture centred world with questions something like,
“Why would you go to a gym when there is more than enough work to do on the farm?” or “Why would you add another thing to your already hectic schedule?”
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My husband had been a member of the Armoury for some time, with positive results to show for it, so I ultimately decided to face my fear, put myself in a new and unfamiliar environment, and do something for me. I decided to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”.
Armoury exudes mental positivity through persistent physical effort. I have been embraced into a community of people whom I had previously never crossed paths with. We are each there for our own reasons. Our classes enjoy an enthusiastic group environment with personalized coaching to cultivate individual results. There is no judgement, only positivity.
I’ve realized that it no longer matters to me what others may think.
In a relatively short amount of time, I have found myself feeling better, having more energy, stronger physically, have less anxiety, and am better able to cope with the challenges of life on the farm.
It has become clear to me that nearly everyone would benefit from strength training in an environment like the Armoury. A place with enthusiastic and knowledgeable coaching, relentless positivity, & a rock solid community of dedicated fellow members. I always look forward to attending and feel better walking out the doors every time!
“I am now able to be present with my kids and play with them in ways I couldn’t before. It has helped shift my mindset to the positive.”
Before joining the Armoury I was struggling mentally and physically with draining chronic shoulder pain. I spent a total of 3 years doing physio and 5 years of seeing medical specialists with no improvement. The constant pain made it so I was never able to be fully present for my kids or in life.
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The Armoury has strengthened the muscles around my shoulder so much that I have very limited pain. It has helped me grow stronger overall, mentally, and of course, physically. I am now able to be present with my kids and play with them in ways I couldn’t before. It has helped shift my mindset to the positive and change my whole life.”
– Kacie
From the Coaches:
While we never go against medical advice and believe there can be great value in visiting other professionals, oftentimes strength is the answer.
Strength training reasonably and consistently, under the watchful eyes of a knowledgeable coach (like an Armoury coach for example) can lead people out of chronic pain and a life of limitation into freedom.
Bubbles has added muscle, lost fat, and had her strength soar through the roof but it’s the freedom to participate in the lives of her children and not be limited by pain that holds the most value for her.
Going from skinny to looking fit & jacked is just a nice bonus. Our reasons need to outweigh our excuses. We need to find our “Why”. Whatever it is, strength will help you get there.
Strength is the Way

“In a couple of short months, my body has made some pretty great changes.
I am no longer terrified of what will come in the future, but rather super excited!”
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When I first started, I had to modify almost every exercise. I was so impressed that Matt and Joanne would customize each exercise for me! Over time, I was able to integrate the regular programming and am now able to do most of the scheduled exercises most days.
I began with just focusing on getting my body to the gym. With pretty consistent attendance, I was feeling so much better. So strong, much more mobile, and much, much happier! I didn’t realize how much improving my physical health was going to improve my mental health!
Nearly a year in, I was still listening to Matt and Joanne teach us about how what we do outside the gym is just as important as inside the gym, but I was still only focusing on the gym. I finally decided it wasn’t enough and started to measure and track what I put in “the hole below my nose” – as Matt would say.
Well, wouldn’t you know that it works!
I am slowly starting to uncover some of those muscles I’ve been growing for the past year. I don’t have to pop the top button on my jeans when I sit down, and less weight equals less stress on those sore joints! In a couple of short months, my body has made some pretty great changes.
I am no longer terrified of what will come in the future, but rather super excited!
p.s. A pull up. That’s what’s coming in the near future. Joanne says so, and she’s always right.
“I finally realized that no amount of cardio could have shaped my body & muscles to how I look & feel today. Strength training is the way!”
ARMOURY has changed my mindset around strength training and “being strong”. When I’m honest with myself, initially I was scared to be strong. But, in a short time, I became addicted to working hard and feeling strong. I wanted to push the limits and challenge myself. I started loving and embracing my “big body” and turned the words in my mind into “strong body” instead.
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I’ve fallen in love with the process and am continuing to work towards specific goals. I am committed to continue challenging myself from week to week. As such, I’m closing the gap on getting my first unassisted chin up!
I am so grateful for my ARMOURY coaches, Matt and Jo. They are always sharing their knowledge and teaching me so much more beyond just strength training. I can’t say enough about this program. My body is living proof it works. That is, so long as you are willing to do the work and apply what they teach in class to the best of your ability. They can’t lift the weights for you. They don’t come over and clean out your pantry or cook your meals for you. What they do is something far more powerful. They help you see that the only one stopping you is you. They believe in you before you believe in yourself. They help you see that you can become unstoppable. Unconquerable. And, I have to say, there is no better feeling in the world.
Thank you Matt, Jo, and all my fellow champions at the ARMOURY for your constant positivity and encouragement. Invictus!

“Yes, we work out (hard!), but the Armoury also raises the bar to highlight lifestyle and nutrition alongside fitness.”
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“I found a love for strength training and created healthier habits…”
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I love that the coaching team is not only there to guide you and push you to be stronger, but push you to be a better version of yourself and realize what you’re worth. I’ve never felt better in my own body and I’m forever grateful for the growing confidence, people, and tools I’ve gained here!

“I no longer chase numbers and I no longer have a poor self image.”
Before I joined Matt and his team, I realized how detrimental my obsession was becoming as I saw myself in my young girls. They were mimicking my motions and my words and I thought to myself no way can I let them grow up being how I was and how I struggled daily.
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I had an eating disorder as a teen and my hair was falling out in handfuls that I was hiding it in my school desk. I had an unhealthy relationship with food which in the long run after I became pregnant went the total opposite way.
At my heaviest I was 222lbs and a size 18- zero confidence, and angry all the time. I hated what I had become, I had so much guilt and anguish and self hatred that I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror.
When I say Matt and ARMOURY changed my life, I mean that with every inch of my heart and soul.
It took one really scary hard decision, and a lot of courage to keep showing up. I hated the idea of the gym, I made fun of people who went – cause I hated that I couldn’t get myself to just do it.
I can proudly say that, now, I cannot live without the gym. With it, I have made some incredible friends and love the positive community.
I treasure one of the biggest blessings to come out of my efforts – seeing my daughters want to be healthy and strong, not skinny and starved. I’m proud of the example I’ve set for them through my dedication and willingness to change. It has transformed me into a better version of myself.
I no longer chase numbers (I actually weigh more than I did when I started!) and I no longer have a poor self image. I am freaking proud of myself and I’ll continue to improve myself on all levels.
The ARMOURY is far from vanity, it’s my medication, it’s the best part of my day, it’s my everything.
“At 33 I have never felt better or been stronger in my life.”
When I joined ARMOURY Fitness & Performance I would say my biggest struggle was consistency. I had always been a team sports player and when that ended and true adulthood began I always struggled to find an alternative that I loved as much, and would do consistently. ARMOURY helped me fill this void by making it a supportive and fun atmosphere, but also one with results.
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Their daily reminders and tips about healthy living and how to be successful in and out of the gym is why ARMOURY is a cut above the rest in my opinion. I used to hear people say “ I am addicted to the gym,” and I would roll my eyes…now I am the one saying that! Instead of planning my workouts around my schedule I am planning my schedule around my workouts and at 33 I have never felt better or been stronger in my life. The community that you form with this program ensures that you will succeed because you have 100+ people behind you rooting for you, and that’s pretty special in an atmosphere! It is not competitive and intimidating, only encouraging. I know I will never go back to my old ways and I have ARMOURY to thank!

“The positive community and friendships formed have been wonderful.”
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And as for those once heavy 5lbs dumbbells, they have been left in the dust. I’m very lucky to have joined such an incredible “Syndicate”, a place that I can call home. Thank you to both Matt & Joanne for supporting me in my journey to recover, fulfill my potential, and become my best self.
“I’m truly becoming the best version of myself.”
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Slowly, I began to notice changes in my body. I got just a little bit stronger each time I attempted a personal record. The first deadlift was 135 pounds and I was excited. I wanted more so I worked just a little bit harder at all of the exercises. Then I began to pay more attention to the advice of the coaches at the start of each class. I changed my diet just a little to focus on eating more protein.
I listen to my self-talk more and don’t let it get negative as often. I’m taking less medication for depression and I feel I’m truly becoming the best version of myself. I no longer hide from photos and I’m not afraid of my scale. Thank you Armoury Fitness and Performance!

Student for 2.5 years
Before joining Armoury, my biggest struggles were the struggles I had within myself. I struggled with the way I spoke to myself, my self worth and my self esteem. I struggled to look at the body I saw in the mirror. I struggled to find a healthy way to feed myself and to break the cycles of disordered eating I had battled since childhood. I struggled to find a form of fitness that I enjoyed. I struggled to feel comfortable in my own skin. And, my body ached. My knees hurt when I walked too much and my back hurt after a day of running my business and doing the job I love so much. My right shoulder hurt after sleeping, my neck hurt when I drove for too long, my feet got crampy in the evening. And I felt exhausted all the time.
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I have now been at Armoury for 2.5 years and I feel like I have a new body and a new mindset. I feel confident, strong and proud of myself. I move through my day with so much ease now; my knees rarely hurt (in fact, my knee mobility is quite impressive :)) I can do a full day of driving with no neck pain and my feet no longer cramp up. I eat a balanced diet of protein, carbs, fats, fruits and vegetables and I enjoy making myself healthy lunches. I started reading again and I’m focusing on being more kind to myself. I’m always excited to workout and I love lifting weights. I love listening to the story at the beginning of class and I love pushing myself to see what I’m capable of. I love the enthusiasm, the energy and the encouragement of class and I love all of the high fives.
I turned 50 years old a few weeks ago and I can honestly say that I have never felt as good as I do now. I sometimes say that I feel like I’m 35 again (but the truth is, I don’t think I felt this good at 35). Armoury has helped me turn back the clock!
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What Others are Saying
Don’t take our word from it, hear from our students.
I watched my mom go from climbing mountains to having to take medication to go to the bathroom. I swore I wouldn’t walk that path, so when I started losing muscle & strength I freaked out. That’s when I joined up with Matt & Jo and have gotten stronger than I’ve ever been. I also want to inspire my grandkids to live a healthier lifestyle and feel I’m succeeding.
Motivation doesn’t happen overnight. It takes special individuals who show up for you and be there for you, and guide you into being the very best version of yourself.
Matt has done this flawlessly for me personally. I never thought I could feel strong in my body and even stronger in my mind. I’m a whole different person thanks to Matt and his incredible team plus the awesome, supportive community he has created.